Monday 7 January 2013

Opencast Mine

Back in October I wrote a few words about the proposed development of a coal mine near Whittonstall. Northumberland County Council has agreed to hold a public meeting about the proposal on Thursday 17th January from 6pm-8pm at St. John's Church Hall, Snod's Edge. As you can see from the flier below, this is your last chance to register opposition to the project. A planning decision will follow within a few weeks.

If you live in Stocksfield, Mickley, or the surrounding settlements of  Kipperlynn, Apperley, Hindley, Broomley and Wheelbirks then you really should make every attempt to attend this meeting as the mining operation could have an adverse effect on where you live.

Even if you don't want to say anything at the meeting, just being there will show support.