Wednesday, 26 February 2014

New Ridley: Have your say on the appeal

As I indicated yesterday, Esh have submitted an appeal to the Planning Inspectorate against NCC's rejection of their application to build 22 houses in New Ridley. If you would like to make a representation about the appeal to the Planning Inspectorate you can do so at

The deadline for comments is 8 April, and I encourage anyone with an interest in this case to make representations.

Appeal Documents

Mike Easey kindly downloaded all 30+ documents relating to the appeal from the NCC web site (see 

These have all been assembled into a single PDF file which you can download here. Note, it's a 54MB file, so until we get our superfast broadband it could take a little while to download. 


  1. It would be wise to wait until we get a copy of the actual appeal document before making comments. Not only must we cite planning grounds but we should also counter the basis of the appeal.

    1. Yes, indeed. I have added that clarification to the post.

    2. It may also be useful to delay submission of comments until near the public deadline of 8th April - why give the appellants more time to construct counter arguments?

      Also, how about a census of opinion in New Ridley?

    3. When we took up the petition back in 2012 the feeling in New Ridley was overwhelmingly against the proposal. Do you think we should get an updated view from residents?

  2. A new census would be better - reflects 2014 views and could be used in evidence against both the appeal and the new application.

  3. The planning inspectorate will only be considering objections based on planning policy. The initial petition was useful in determining the strength of opposition and for providing a unifying platform. All documents relating to the initial application will be considered. At this point my view is that we should focus on as many people as possible sending individual representations to the Planning Inspectorate. When NCC rejected the application it gave four reasons to the developer. Nothing has materially changed that would affect these reasons for rejection so this is where we should focus. I will make another post shortly summarising the situation.

  4. The deadline for submitting responding to the appeal is 8th April and the next Parish Council Meeting is on 7th April. Is it possible that an item could be put on the Agenda supporting the decision of NCC Planning Committee based on the grounds you mention above? If the Council supports the motion (hopefully with a unanimous decision), then the Parish Clerk could email the matter to the Planning Inspectorate the following day ie 8th April.

    1. Don't worry, it's already on the parish council's agenda. We are currently putting together the parish council's response to the appeal and this will be tabled and voted on at April's meeting.
